Population: Official (as of 2004.23TR [April 23, 2013 GR]) 60
citizens broken down as follows:
40 citizens of status 1 (see below)
2 citizens of 2a status (see below)
2 citizens of 2b status (see below)
12 citizens of 2c status (see below)
4 citizens of status H (see below)
Total population (Citizen and non-resident alien) 31 (+/-5 some
days, but never to exceed 34) on most days between the hours of
7:00 AM and 2:35 PM between the months of September and June,
except on holidays such as Christmas, Easter, Thanksgiving,
weekends or during inclement weather, fire drills or assemblies.
Most persons are non-resident aliens holding student or work
The citizen population (world wide) of the PRoT is currently 60.
(Proud to announce the birth of our newest and 6oth T'Fivian,
Jso7m060, aka HRS)
Area: 30’ x 23’ proper and 1 embassy (@10’ x10’)
Location: Room 210, Garden City High School, Garden City, in the
County of Wayne, in the State of Michigan, in the United States
of America, in the North America, in the Western Hemisphere, on
the planet Earth, in the solar system of Sol, in the Galaxy of
the Milky Way, in God’s Universe which is in His Hand.
Capital: Ceremonial: Podium
Legislative: LapTop
Form of Government: Constitutionally Limited Monarchy, known as
a TashBahndom, with (By the grace of God and the blessings of
the PapaTashBahn,) a Constitutionally Limited Republic.
Head of State: His Grace, the Lord Jso7m378, by the Grace of
God, PappaTashBahn of T’Fiws, General Secretary of the
Confederation of the People’s Republics of Formicro, Ithlien,
and T’Fiws, Lord of the No-So-Bright-Knights, Grand Knight of
the Holy Order of the IXOE, and Keeper of the Sacred Words, May
He Live Forever. Amen.
Flag: The People’s Republic of T’Fiws’s flag is: Gold, three
green hills base, a lamp of knowledge with three flames center,
a red mullet and wolfstinger Chief. Motto: Es ist wie es ist.
Official Seal: A single red star on a black oil lamp with three
Military: There are two knighthood orders that serve the P.roT..
The Order of the XIOXS is an honorary Knighthood Order that
functions as the official military of T’Fiws. The Knights of the
Cougar (AKA Cougar Knights) is our newest knighthood order whose
proper function has not yet been determined.
The P.roT. also appreciates the PRoTection the United States of
America has afforded us since the 1990s and of course the Garden
City Police Department in an unofficial capacity.
Flower: Sweet Pea
Animal: The Garden City High School Mouse . Once considered so
rare that most zoologist rejected the very existence of the
GCMouse as fairy tale. Recently, due to severe shifts in the
environment of T’Fiws, the numbers of GCMice has increased to
such a large number that they threaten to become the most
numerous of all indigenous species in T’Fiws.
Bird: Cardinal
Motto: We have three official mottoes.
¸ On our coat of Arms: Es ist wie es ist! (It is as it is!)
¸ Official Motto: Gott sei mit euch. (God be with you.)
¸ Between 7:00 Am and 3:00 PM: Weapons of Mass Instruction
Chief Exports: Postage stamps and blue, black pens, Yggdraswill
(a caffeinated energy drink), Hoopdieswill (a carbonated energy
drink), Twits (a chocolate, caramel, and cookie styled candy
bar) and land (by the square inch)
Gross Domestic Product (GDP): N1000.
Government/Political Institutions:
The head of government and of state is His Grace, the Lord
Jso7m378, by the Grace of God, PappaTashBahn of T’Fiws, General
Secretary of the Confederation of the People’s Republics of
Formicro, Ithlien, and T’Fiws, Lord of the No-So-Bright-Knights,
Grand Knight of the Holy Order of the IXOE, and Keeper of the
Sacred Words, May He Live Forever. Amen. The “TashBahn” (as he
is affectionately refered to by his peers) rules by divine
right. There are two houses in the Limited Republic.
There is an upper house, which consists of nobility and all
other citizens that the TashBahn has granted a Title. The
nobility may assist the TashBahn in the making of laws,
Ordinances, Constitutions, and etc..
The lower house consists of citizens who may vote on some
The Judiciary consists of a lower court presided over by a jury
of “peers” and the TashBahn. Appeals may be made to the Court of
Jesters, (a.k.a. “the administrators.”) The TashBahn abides by
all decisions the Court of Jesters in all matters except those
that endanger the sovereignty of the People’s Republic of
T’Fiws, or the Confederation.
The official police department is known affectionately as De’Per
(pronounced diaper). De’Per is the Department of Persuasion
headed by a member of the Court of Jesters, General Suzie
Official Language: The official language of the People’s
Republic of T’Fiws is English, using the Tengwar font. Some
Confederation words have been added.
Military: The Holy Order of the XOIES is an honorary knighthood
order that functions s the military. However, the People’s
Republic of T’Fiws does enjoy the PRoTection of the USA and the
Garden City Police Department, in an unofficial sense.
Citizenship: The Ministry of Citizenship (MiniCit) has
jurisdiction over all matters of citizenship rights. Any
non-resident alien or other person wishing to become a citizen
of the People’s Republic of T’Fiws must submit, in writing, in
triplicate, a request for application. A small fee of $0.25
American or N0.25 should be enclosed for processing the request.
A written application will be mailed out to the person
requesting application. This application should be filled out in
triplicate and mailed back to the MiniCit. There is a $0.25
American or N0.25 fee of application.
There are three levels of citizenship in T’Fiws: Level 1, 2 and
Level 1 citizens must have earned 3 A’s on tests in Mr. Lenze’s
classes to apply for admission. Level 1 citizens must also pass
a MiniCit admission test, they may be granted citizenship by any
ruler in the Confederation, or they may purchase their
citizenship for $100.00 American currency or N100.
Citizenship Levels are:
1 Citizen
2a Full Citizen
2b Full Citizen B
2c Citizen 2 C
H Honorary Citizen
Only Four persons have been granted Honorary Citizenship: Jesus,
John Hanson, Marcus Swift, and St. Augustine of Hippo.
Citizenship Rights by Level: All citizens of the People’s
Republic of T’Fiws will be privy to the same basic rights:
property, voting, access, life, and liberty.
1 Simply enjoy the right of citizenship with free and unlimited
access to People’s Republic of T’Fiws (when open), voting
rights, and, of coure, the Right to Life, Liberty, and Property
2a Rights same as Level 1
Right to hold office in Lower House if elected, and all other
citizenship rights as spelled out in the Articles of
Confederation of PRoFIT
2b Right to hold office in Upper House if elected, all other
citizenship rights as spelled out in the Articles of
Confederation of PRoFIT,
and/or same rights as 2a, only purchased
2c Right to hold any office and rise to any rank within the
P.roT., and same rights as above, but may serve in Upper House
H Honorary. There are three Honorary Citizens of T'Fiws: Jesus,
John Hanson (first President of the United States) and St.
Citizens of T’Fiws have no official names. It has been found
that names cause much confusion of identity and therefore all
citizens are given a number (hereby known as “names”) by which
they are known. All names begin with the five digits Jso7m,
followed by a specific designation. Cougar Knights are unique in
this that their digits are CKxxxxx.
His Grace, the TashBahn, may he live forever. Amen. Reserves the
right to rescind any and all citizenship without cause.
Since the Antechamber Treaty of 01PR (10TR [2003GR]) all
citizens of T’Fiws are also citizens of Formicro and Ithilien by
virtue of membership in the Confederation.
It never snows in T’Fiws.
The Official and Most Wonderful History of the People’s Republic
of T’Fiws
Part I:
Although the People’s Republic of T’Fiws (PRoT) was established
in the recent past, it has a long and glorious history. In the
early days (before its founding) it was part of a vast forested
wilderness uninhabited by any humans. In 1825 GR the United
States of America opened the long awaited Erie Canal. In that
same year two men, Marcus Swift and his friend Luther Reeves,
left New York state and came to Michigan to help settle this
vast frontier. They came to Detroit and then traveled up the
Rouge river (as far as present day Merriman and Warren Roads on
the border of Garden City and Westland). Here, in the middle of
a thickly growing woods the two men claimed land (Luther Reeves
later sold his claim). At that time there were no inhabitants of
this land. Although Marcus Swift did not establish the sovereign
people’s Republic of T’Fiws, he is often referred to as the
Father of the Republic because of his tremendous struggle to
settle the land for future generations. (Source: The History of
Garden City, MacFie, (1969), Garden City Board of Education)
In 1993 GR, the founder of T’Fiws claimed his classroom in
Garden City High School to be a soveign state, independent of
the United States of America, based on the discovery of the land
claim, filed in Wayne County which had given Marcus Swift title
to the land. This document (which has since been lost [due to a
fire or something]) granted Marcus Swift full authority over the
territory now being discussed. The specific wording of this land
claim gave Marcus Swift “sole authority” over the land in
question. In a settlement made between the founder of T’Fiws and
representatives of the United States, the entire original land
claim of Marcus Swift was turned over to the United States in
exchange for the right of sovereignty over room 210 of Garden
City High School (6500 Middlebelt Road, Garden City, Michigan
48135). The Treaty of Sovereignty, as this treaty has come to be
called has been misplaced for the present by the founders but
they are confident that the United States government has their
copy available to the public (contact the US Department of
Foreign Affairs).
T’Fiws has been an independent sovereign state since 1993 GR.
This became Year 1 of the T’Fivian calendar (01TR). In 04TR
(1997 GR) an insurrection was begun by discontented resident
aliens who were opting to establish a rebel state within the
boarders of T’Fiws. The rebels set fire to their desk and were
then detained and removed from T’Fiws by the Ministry of
Persuasion and given detention in the United States. The
insurrection collapsed. Thus the Battle of the Desk, as this war
has been named, was a failure for the rebels.
Again on June 06TR (1999 GR) , a group of citizens aided by
outlanders from the United States (but not to be assumed as
acting in an official capacity for the US) attempted to stage a
referendum and take over the Republic. This group, known as the
Green Party was a subversive communist group that had ties to
Red China. The TashBahn (may he live forever) had the country
evacuated for a period of three months. This act ended the
Revolution as the citizens did not return to T’Fiws when the
boarders were re-opened in September. The event has come to be
called the Green Revolution.
In 07TR (2000 GR), after an unprovoked attack on the PRoT by the
Kingdom of Ithilien, a short war ensued between the two
TashBahndoms. This war, known as the War of the Antechamber,
ended with a peacefull settlement when His Grace, Lord Jso7m378
&ct. and King David the Only of Ithilien &ct. realized
the danger of such actions to the security of their respective
nation (it was later learned that members of the Green Party
above had set up the whole mishap in an attempt to destablilize
the Upper Floor (the lands of T’Fiws and Ithilien in a further
attempt to seize power.) ,negotiations were begun with Ithilien
to join their TashBahndoms in confederation with T’Fiws which
took place on January 1, 08TR (2001 GR) to co-inside with the
millennium. A committee of correspondence was then established
to set up Articles of Confederation pending adoption (and still
A third state, For Micronesia joined the confederation three
days after school resumed in January 07TR (2001 GR).
An embassy was established in the United States in 09TR (2002
GR) to help assist in the transition to citizenship as T’Fiws
began growing rapidly due to immigration from the US.
In September 12TR (2005 GR) a terrorist group from the United
States (again with no known ties to the government of the US)
known as the “Custodians” crossed the boarders after hours and
began a series of terrorist activities against the citizens and
resident aliens of T’Fiws. The Bio-War (as the event is being
called) was a well staged and executed attack on the very
environment of T’Fiws. Pollutants from the US (not connected
with the government of the US) were left in and around the
country, building up molds and pollens, becoming toxic to life
as we know it. The TashBahn solicitated the US’s help in
capturing the ring leaders of the attacks but was unable to
effect positive change in the situation until it became
intolerable. In June 13TR (2006 GR) the terrorist were captured,
permanently removed from T’Fiws, and put before a public hearing
in the US for their plot. Again the terrorist were thwarted and
the Bio-War was ended. The good will of the people of the United
States was bestowed on the People of T’Fiws when a new floor
replaced the contaminated floor of T’Fiws (making T’Fiws the
only country in the world [that we know of] that has had its
entire floor replaced!)
It was in the year 13TR that the population of T’Fiws had its
largest leap forward from 12+/- 5 to 29! Making T’Fiw the
fastest growing country (in terms of population) in the world.
In 13TR, Lord Jso7m3725 was appointed Misiter of the Propigation
of T’Fiws or Lord Jso7m3725, by the grace of God and behest of
the PapaTashBahn, MiniProp of T’Fiws, may he live forever. Amen.
Also in the year 13TR, His Grace, the TashBahn, proclaimed Lord
Jso7m3726, Historian Maximus. His Title is now Lord Jso7m3726,
by the grace of God and behest of the PapaTashBahn, Historian
Maximus of T’Fiws, may he live forever. Amen.
On November 10, 13TR (6PR, 2006 GR) T’Fiws found itself in three
wars all at one time. At about 8:35 as the His grace, the
TashBahn, &tc was making a state visit to America, a group
of terrorist called Keenosians attacked him. His grace the
TashBahn &tc thwarted the attack and dealt a severe blow to
the ring leader. Later that same day another Terroist cell from
the United States (again with no known ties to the government of
the US) crossed the border and attacked the person of His Grace.
Drawing His sword and doing combat with the terrorist (there
must have been 10 or twenty of them) single-handedly the
TashBahn defeated the Terrorist and saved the PRoT from certain
calamity. An Hour later, the terrorist cell once again attacked
and were thwarted bu His Grace while the Knight Templar stood by
to ensure a fair (except that the TashBahn was way over matched
for them) fight. These two battles have come to be called the
First and Second Empoorer Revolutions.
(Brandon Larson AKA the Emporer (yep, spelled that way!) was the
“brains (?) behind the terrorist. He hoped to establish a new
empire of Emporer and PRoT was the first place he attacked. The
Emporer’s brain will be cleaned in Room 101 on Dec, 5, 13TR
after the Court of Jesters found him guilty of the attacks.)
July, 15PR, the Government purchased a mobile unit to allow for
more comfortable state visits by the TashBahn. Mobile T'Fiws is
the name it carries.
Over the summer of 15PR, the United States surprised His Grace
by secretly replacing the floor of the country (at no expense to
the people of T'Fiws), making T'Fiws the only nation in the
world to have it's entire floor replaced!
It was suggested that a new motto be added to our list, "The
Floor's the Limit!" but this was voted down.
January 1, 20PR, the new constitution went into effect. Thus
T'Fiws is officially a Constitutionally Limited Republic.